This is the web page for our Card Game: Fighting Against 996
Group Member: Sizhu Chen, Jiantao Hu, Zechen Dong
996 is a working policy in the IT field in China. The number is defined as working from 9am to 9 pm every day from Monday to Saturday. In China, almost all employers of IT companies especially in game industries force their workers to follow this rule. Most employees are not satisfied with this policy and they wish to change it. Our game is to prototype how IT workers can fight against the “996 policy.”
Medium: Card Game
Game Overview:
In the game, players will process their game rounds one by one, the player who rules the company will be the first player. In each round of the game, his has three action points to use, the company can use these points to implement any kinds of actions, for example, getting an action point, adding task cards, installing a task card, proceeding a proposal, or control the chess to move one step forward. The company owner must tries its best to defend, he must stops the workers to enter his department of complaints. Each worker has four action points to use, which includes getting one action point, adding one ability card, installing one ability card and making one complaint or making the chess one step forward. etc. In one round, the employees should attempt to go to the department of compaint of the company to stop the company from releasing the proposal. The employees have several goals to choose, and choosing which time to complaint is a significant strategy to consider.